Summer Solstice: How to Embrace it for Your Health

Jun 20, 2023by
Summer Solstice: How to Embrace it for Your Health

Discover the power of the Summer Solstice for your health in our latest blog post. Embrace the warmth, and growth, of the season while deepening your connection to your unique nature. Find balance through Ayurvedic wisdom, and explore practices that will nourish your inner strength and energy.

Summer Solstice: How to Embrace it for Your Health 

The Summer solstice, the longest day of the year, is a time to celebrate the radiant light of the Sun and the inner light within us. Civilizations have recognized the importance of aligning with the Sun's phases, as seen in monuments like Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids. These structures symbolize the connection between the Sun's cycle and our own lives, reflecting the natural flow of energy. 

The Summer Solstice brings forth warmer weather and a sense of expansion and growth. It serves as a reminder to embrace our connection with the elements, such as the sun's warmth and the rejuvenating power of water on our skin.

As Spring transitions into Summer, we witness the blossoming of flowers and the rebirth of Mother Nature. Now, it is our time to explore new environments, and expand our horizons.

What does this mean for your wellness? 

Honoring the Summer Solstice helps us find balance by acknowledging the changes in the natural world and deepening our connection with ourselves. Understanding seasonal changes and how it impacts us is vital for a fulfilled life as it reveals the underlying patterns influencing our health and well-being.

During the summer season, we undergo transformations in response to the surrounding elements—transitioning from the cold and wet spring to the summer characterized by long, hot days and warm nights.

During this phase, there are different practices to incorporate to welcome the Summer Solstice. 

1.Eat seasonally. 

Try to balance the fire element of the pitta dosha with cooling veggies and fruits. Some of my favorite vegetables for the summer are: Kale, dandelion greens, collard greens, lettuce, cucumber, cilantro, and broccoli. Among fruits, enjoy various berries, melons, and grapes! Summer is abundant with delicious and satisfying fruits!

2. Set Summer Intentions and express gratitude:

Take advantage of the energetically charged day and set intentions that reflect patience, nourishment, and trust. Craft powerful statements like "I am open to receiving nourishment and growth" or "I embrace the energy needed to cultivate trust in my life." Remind yourself these intentions throughout the summer season. On the day of the Summer solstice, write gratitude statements for what you already possess and what you wish to manifest. Feel genuine gratitude for your desires before they materialize, signaling to the universe your unwavering trust. This practice invites the energy you seek into your life.

3. Accept this time as your permission to rest. 

The energy of summer can provide us with a heightened sense of vitality and drive. However, it's important to avoid burnout by prioritizing rest. Take a nap, walk in nature, and prioritize quality sleep- however rest looks for you, be sure to embrace it. 

4. Immerse yourself in the moon’s light. 

As we approach the longest day of the year, spending time in the moonlight can provide balance to the sun's warmth. Traditionally, this practice balances the “masculine” of the sun, with the “feminine” of the moon. 

Witnessing the sunrise and moonset teaches us to embrace natural transitions gracefully. Taking an evening walk under the moonlight offers a beautiful connection to the changing light.

Alternatively, you might try this old advice: Place a glass of water under the moonlight, especially during a full moon, and drink it in the morning. They say this practice fosters ease, surrender, and grounding for the body, mind, and spirit. I think it’s worth a try!

Intention: What you seek lies within 

By engaging in these rituals on the morning of the Summer solstice, you recognize, and nourish the light within you. Carry this feeling throughout the season, basking in the Sun's rays and embracing your own brilliance. Allow yourself to blossom, guided by the energy of the Sun, and nurture the light within you. Remember, just like the Sun rises each day, you too have the resilience and potential to rise above life's challenges.

May this Summer solstice be a time of connection, growth, and renewal as you honor the light within, and embrace the possibilities ahead.